среда, 21 мая 2014 г.

The Concept of Collective Consciousness

Many researches have been recently carried out trying to figure out the phenomenon of collective consciousness. It derives from French conscience collective and means a set of shared ideas, morals, beliefs, and attitudes that function as a connecting mechanism within society. The term was introduced for the first time by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his famous work “Divison of Labour in Society”, in 1893.

In his book, Émile Durkheim argued over the fact that in traditional societies, such as those based on a clan, tribal relationships or family, totemic religion played a crucial role in unifying members via the creation of common or collective consciousness. Is such societies, the contents of an individual’s consciousness are shared with all the members of their society, forming a mechanical solidarity with the help of reciprocal alikeness.

Other Opinions
There are some other modern sociologists who made attempts to define the term “collective consciousness”. Mary Kelsey, a sociologist at the University of California, Berkeley, used this term in the early 2000s to describe people within a social community, for examples mothers, discovering their common traits and circumstances, and consequently acting as a group and achieving solidarity. People unite as dynamic groups and share knowledge, rather than live as separate individuals.

Our society is made up of different collective groups, including community, organizations, family, regions, nations, which have the ability to think, judge, take decisions, reform, etc.

It is worth mentioning that the term collective consciousness has been also used by some parapsychologists. Gardner Murphy, an American psychologist specializing in personality psychology and parapsychology, came up with the idea that a person’s mind may survive death in a fragmentary state and incorporates itself into collective consciousness. He denied the idea that personality and individual mind would survive as an entity. He claimed that our mind with our memories would merge itself into a broader field of consciousness. In addition, he said that personal ego wouldn’t stay, but the consciousness would be able to acquire new qualities.

Hundredth Monkey Effect
The phenomenon of the hundredth monkey effect can be used as an example of collective consciousness. It was a research carried out in order to analyze the behavior of macaques in the Japanese islands that refused to eat the fruits that washed ashore on the beach and were covered in sand. Nevertheless, a female picked up the fruits, went to a well, washed them, and ate them afterwards. As a result, other macaques, especially the younger ones, also began washing the fruits before eating them. This group expanded and there was a change in the consciousness of each macaque, and they all started washing the fruits.

As human beings, we are connected in a manner we are not fully aware of, but which many modern scholars are now discovering. 

Info presented by Vista Brokers 

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