пятница, 30 мая 2014 г.

Isolated Peoples

Isolated peoples, also known as uncontacted peoples or lost tribes, refer to communities that live either by circumstances or by choice, without contact with advanced civilization. There are few peoples who have remained isolated from globalized civilization. The activists of indigenous rights suggest that these communities are left alone, explaining that it will interfere with their right to self-determination.

Most isolated communities are situated in densely forested regions in India, New Guinea and South America. Data on the existence of such groups comes particularly from rare, sometimes violent, conflicts with neighboring tribes as well as from aerial footage. It has been discovered that isolated peoples may lack immunity to diseases that are common to us, and they can kill a huge number of their people.

These peoples remain mysterious and avoid contact with people from modern world, preferring to keep their isolation.

Historical Data

The uncontacted peoples fascinate the modern society, and the idea of tour operators who go on trips to study the isolated tribes has become disputable. In 2006 a BBC Four documentary revealed a controversial American tour operator specializing in escorted tours aimed to search out isolated peoples in West Papua.

There have been many attempts to learn more about these communities, but they had fatal consequences. The last known attempt to initiate contact with the Tagaeri, located in the Ecuadorian Amazon Basin, a tribe with the most severe voluntary isolation, was in July 1987, when two missionaries who tried to convince the community to allow oil extractors to enter its territory died. As a result, the Tagaeri left their homes and moved deeper into the forest, proving their refusal to contact with the globalized world.

A Way of Living

Uncontacted peoples see oil companies, miners and entrepreneurs as “ghosts of death” for the fact that they poison rivers and forests which are a source of life for these peoples. Isolated communities have developed their own health and food systems, but these systems are weak and the contact with the outside world very often leads to the spread of diseases which results in epidemics because these peoples have no immunities to common and treatable illnesses.

The Man of the Hole

There is a man living in the Brazilian rainforest today. He has been living there for at least 15 years. Nobody knows his name, but it is believed that he is the last member of his tribe the name of which is also unknown. He builds palm shelters and digs five-foot-deep rectangular holes in the middle of each. But, it is still a mystery what he uses them for as he abandons them as soon as anybody comes near them.

There have been several attempts to get in touch with the man of the hole, but nobody could see him. Scientists think it is better if he is left alone. They have studied this territory and decided to enlarge his territory.

It is amazing how these communities managed to keep away from modern world for so long. There are tribes that have no idea that globalized society exists. They become aggressive when explorers try to convince them to contact. They live in their own world with own rules and habits. They don’t want to change anything as they believe it is the only way of living.

Info presented by Vista Brokers

Gadgets and Technology Addiction

Have you noticed people spending most of their times in front of their computer or TV? Or parents who are fed up with their children playing video games the whole day? Today, technology addiction has become a serious problem in our society.

Modern Era

Nowadays, people are getting addicted to modern gadgets so that they forget that there is life around them. We become lazier in performing daily activities and face problems when trying to communicate face-to-face.

Human intelligence has evolved greatly and led to the emergence of new gadgets and technology. Due to the fact that there is a large availability of smartphones, computers and laptops, the number of devices that can been connected to the Internet got higher than ever.

It has been showed that 40% of people communicate on the web rather than face-to-face. And this figure is a dreadful one.
People are gifted with brain to think and choose right paths in life. Unfortunately, people are living unhealthy lives without even knowing about it.

Our work is 10 minutes away on foot, but we take a transport. We spend the whole weekends in front of our gadgets instead of going out and enjoy the great weather and allowing the sun to enrich our body. We can watch the TV for hours explaining that it is because we got bored. Children spend most of their precious time playing video games or chatting on social networks.

Of course, in a way, these modern day gadgets make our life easier, but still, we shouldn’t use them at the cost of our health. It would be great if people use all sorts of gadgets for informational purposes only.

Modern Day Slavery

The addiction to modern technology can be compared to slavery. People unthinkingly have become the slaves of computers and various gadgets. The modern technology became the most important part of many. They don’t live their life to the fullest due to the availability of such an enormous amount of gadgets. It seems like people have forgot the way they lived before this technology boom.

Today we see more and more parents who try to make their children spend more time with them and friends instead of playing video games almost all the time. And this is a real problem. It is extremely difficult to make a child stop playing. Very often it leads to serious arguments and even fights, because both children and parents lose control.

Technology Addiction Destroys Relationships

Everyone remembers those nights when we were talking with our mothers before going to bed. What do we see now? Children are sitting in front of their computers until their mother force them go to bed. They don’t have conversations anymore. The only thing they are interested in is a new video game, a new friend on a social network, or a new gadget.

When people are busy with their gadgets, they don’t want anybody to disturb them. In this way, they become nervous, bad-tempered; they avoid face-to-face communication, they just become isolated.

Technology addiction is an extremely serious issue that should be properly addressed. Children should use the gadgets moderately in order to prevent them from that day when they will interact with each other using the technology only.

Info presented by Vista Brokers

среда, 21 мая 2014 г.

The Concept of Collective Consciousness

Many researches have been recently carried out trying to figure out the phenomenon of collective consciousness. It derives from French conscience collective and means a set of shared ideas, morals, beliefs, and attitudes that function as a connecting mechanism within society. The term was introduced for the first time by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his famous work “Divison of Labour in Society”, in 1893.

In his book, Émile Durkheim argued over the fact that in traditional societies, such as those based on a clan, tribal relationships or family, totemic religion played a crucial role in unifying members via the creation of common or collective consciousness. Is such societies, the contents of an individual’s consciousness are shared with all the members of their society, forming a mechanical solidarity with the help of reciprocal alikeness.

Other Opinions
There are some other modern sociologists who made attempts to define the term “collective consciousness”. Mary Kelsey, a sociologist at the University of California, Berkeley, used this term in the early 2000s to describe people within a social community, for examples mothers, discovering their common traits and circumstances, and consequently acting as a group and achieving solidarity. People unite as dynamic groups and share knowledge, rather than live as separate individuals.

Our society is made up of different collective groups, including community, organizations, family, regions, nations, which have the ability to think, judge, take decisions, reform, etc.

It is worth mentioning that the term collective consciousness has been also used by some parapsychologists. Gardner Murphy, an American psychologist specializing in personality psychology and parapsychology, came up with the idea that a person’s mind may survive death in a fragmentary state and incorporates itself into collective consciousness. He denied the idea that personality and individual mind would survive as an entity. He claimed that our mind with our memories would merge itself into a broader field of consciousness. In addition, he said that personal ego wouldn’t stay, but the consciousness would be able to acquire new qualities.

Hundredth Monkey Effect
The phenomenon of the hundredth monkey effect can be used as an example of collective consciousness. It was a research carried out in order to analyze the behavior of macaques in the Japanese islands that refused to eat the fruits that washed ashore on the beach and were covered in sand. Nevertheless, a female picked up the fruits, went to a well, washed them, and ate them afterwards. As a result, other macaques, especially the younger ones, also began washing the fruits before eating them. This group expanded and there was a change in the consciousness of each macaque, and they all started washing the fruits.

As human beings, we are connected in a manner we are not fully aware of, but which many modern scholars are now discovering. 

Info presented by Vista Brokers 

Everything Happens for a Reason

“If everything happens for a reason that means you made the right choice even when it's the wrong choice.” 
Lil Treyco

Our life is full of events that seem too cruel, absurd, and unfair – events that change our opinion about the surrounding world and shatter the understanding of ourselves. In such situations we are used to hear the statement “Everything happens for a reason.” These are several simple words that inspire both hope and confusion.
Many scholars try to explain that everything that happens in our lives has significance. They claim that we are able to discover meaning in what happens to us – interpreting these occurrences as lessons, opportunities, or gifts we couldn’t get in some other ways.
Each of you knows well that there are people who come into your life are meant to be there, to play a certain role, to teach you a lesson, to help you understand who you are and who you want to be. And you never know who these people might be, but when you meet them, you realize that they can change your life greatly.

Nothing happens by chance. Diseases, love, lost moments of happiness, foolishness, everything happens to test our strength. Without these challenges our lie would be comfortable, but pointless and dull. It would be like a straight flat road to nowhere.

Everything happens for a reason. It’s raining because there would be no life without water; it’s snowing because it’s important for agriculture, ecosystem and animals; the wind moves the air so that we have enough oxygen as well as it’s crucial for plants to reproduce. As we can see, there is nothing that takes place without purpose.

It sounds absurd, but even the worst moments in our lives are meant to happen in order to make us stronger. The people who hurt us, betray us, or break our heart, help us learn about trust and the importance of being careful when opening our hearts.

According to Aristotle, there is a reason for everything that happens to us on our journey. It is to offer certain insights to help us become stronger. Our experiences are designed to shape us, define us and grow us into the mightiest us.

If people could treat the challenges properly, they would be a powerful source of energy that could awaken us to rise up higher than we have ever expected. In other words, try to learn from everything that happens to you every day. Consequently, you will become more likely to live happier and set new goals. 

Info presented by Vista Brokers