среда, 16 апреля 2014 г.

The Functions of Money

The monetary economy is a significant improvement over the barter system, in which goods were exchanged directly for other goods.

To understand some of fundamental principles of macroeconomics, it's extremely important to have an unambiguous definition of what money is. Generally people use the word "money" as a direct synonym for "wealth", however economists maintain that these two terms are not synonymous. Money presents a good, which functions as a medium of exchange in transactions.

In the majority of economies, this currency is presented in metal coins and paper bills, which were especially created by the government. Classically money functions as a medium of exchange, unit of account and a store of value. 

Money's most obvious function is as a medium of exchange. For an item to be generally accepted as money, it must be broadly used as payment for services and goods. Consequently money creates efficiency because it gives certainty about the widely accepted item of payment for various businesses.

Money's second function is as a unit of account. For an item to be generally accepted as money, it has to be the common base of comparison that people can use to present prices and record debts. When a new visitor walks into a cafe, the menu tells him that a Greek salad costs $6 and a Grilled Chicken and Avocado Sandwich costs $13. He knows what this means and he is able to compare the prices. Having a constant unit of account undoubtedly creates efficiency. Otherwise, it would be pretty confusing to have the price of bread quoted as a number of oranges, the price of an orange quoted in terms of apples, and so on.

Money's third important function is as a store of value. For an item be generally accepted as money, it must hold its purchasing power over a protracted period. Money has to able to be reliably stored, saved and retrieved. This money feature adds to efficiency as well since it gives flexibility in the timing of sales and purchases to consumers and producers, while eliminating the necessity to immediately trade one's income for services and goods.

To conclude, money was introduced to societies as a tool for conducting economic transactions more efficient and simpler.

Interesting to know..

History of money
Metals objects introduced as money dates back to 5000 B.C. There are a lot of myths about the origins of money. By 700 BC, in the Western world the Lydians became the first who started making coins. All countries started minting their own coins of different types of values. In fact, metal was used as a material for money because it was easily available, tractable and recyclable. Since coins have got a certain value, it became much easier to compare the cost of items that people needed.

Some of the earliest paper money was introduced in China about AD 960.

Info presented by Vista Brokers

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